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Grosse Pointe Shores Improvement Foundation
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Do you have a business or family relationship with the any other trustee or key city employee? (Family members to be disclosed are: spouse, child, sibling, parent or grandparent of the foregoing.) If yes, please describe the relationship below.
Have you or any of your family members had any business transactions with the GPSIF, either directly or indirectly, through an organization with which you or a family member is a board member, trustee, director or owner? If yes, describe the transaction.
Are you or any of your family members an official, board member or employee of the Village of Grosse Pointe Shores? If yes, state your title in the box below.
PayPal handles our online donations, including credit card donations. After selecting Donate,
 enter the donation amount in the PayPal window. Then in the second screen,
select your preferred credit card or PayPal account.
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