Your Support Makes a Difference!
There are so many ways to help us...refer to the list below.
In addition, we are currently coordinating efforts with the Village of Grosse Pointe Shores to raise funds for the pool reconstruction. If you would like to give specifically to this effort, please contact the office at 313-881-6565 or email us by clicking here.
As a 501(c)(3) organization, your donation is tax deductible.
GPSIF Tax ID: 38-2560445

Shop at Kroger
​GPSIF is a member of the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Please join and renew annually in April. Charity #82852. If your Kroger card is not already registered to support a charity, please register here online . The program is free to you and Kroger donates up to 5% of your purchase to GPSIF. If you have lost your Kroger Plus card, call 77-576-7587.

Buy a Brick
Thank you to the many donors who have purchased bricks in the past. Our park shoreline looks gorgeous but there's always room for more! GPSIF continues to sell commemorative bricks to enhance the municipal park walkway.
For more information, contact the office at 313-881-6565 or email us by clicking here.

A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways to make a significant lasting gift to the community. A bequest can be made through a simple designation in a will or trust. A charitable bequest can dramatically reduce estate and inheritance taxes and may generate tax savings that can be passed to your heirs. Please contact your estate planner/financial advisor for details.

Life Insurance
Life insurance gifts enable donors to make a future gift at a relatively modest cost. Donors may name the Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of existing policies that they no longer need or purchase new policies and name GPSIF as the owner and beneficiary. Donors are entitled to a federal income tax deduction for the cash surrender value in the year the gift is made.

Memorial or Honorary Gift
With this type of gift, you recognize someone who has been important to you AND you help provide community improvements that future generations will enjoy. For gifts made in Memory of or In Honor of someone, please provide a name and address of the honoree's family for acknowledgement. The amount of the gift will not be shown unless you specifically request that we include it.

Endowment Fund
Contributions to the William and Nena Dahling Endowment Fund represent an investment in the present and future enjoyment of our community, and substantially increases the ability of the Foundation Trustees to successfully support future improvements. Your contributions will help enhance completed projects, fund new projects or maintain existing projects.​

Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds
​Giving highly appreciated publicly-traded securities is a "tax-smart" way to accomplish charitable giving goals.
​Donors avoid capital gains taxes on
the appreciated value and receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the stocks or mutual funds.
Contact your Financial Advisor for details.​

Retirement Plan Assets
Retirement plan assets (such as IRAs) can make excellent charitable gifts. Qualified retirement plans enjoy favorable tax treatment before retirement but are severely taxed at the death of the plan participant. Estate tax and income tax can be avoided if the plan participant makes a gift to charity at the death by beneficiary designation. Contact a Financial Advisor for details.

Real Estate
A gift of real estate can yield significant tax savings. Donors avoid capital gains tax and receive a charitable deduction of the fair market value. We also accepts gifts of tangible property such as art, antiques, jewelry, collections, etc. Some restrictions apply and gifts valued at more than $5,000 require an independent appraisal. All gifts of property must meet GPSIF gift acceptance guidelines.​

Customize Your Own Giving
Want to do your own thing?
We welcome your gift - let's talk!
Contact us at 313-881-6565 or email us by clicking here.